Saturday, February 7, 2009

Turn off TinyMCE Cleanup Code

TinyMCE, the default WYSIWYG editor in Joomla, is set to strip away "unsafe" HTML tags in order to protect you from certain exploits. This article shows you how to switch this off to be able to insert srcipt tags.

A safety feature of the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor is the stripping off of certain html codes such as . Sometimes though you need to be free to insert these codes at will. To switch the safety feature off you need to turn this off from the Mambot parameters:
  • Mambots > Site Mambots
  • Click on TinyMCE Editor
  • Turn off the Code Cleanup parameter.

N.B. Switching off this protection exposes you to significant security risks. DO NOT switch this off, if you have enabled components which allow users to submit content via TinyMCE because they would be able to insert exploits into the content.


  1. I found exactly the info I already searched all over the place and simply could not find it. What an ideal website.
    joomla extensions

  2. what the f*&k is mambots? This is not in joomla at all

  3. 5 years and no one can tell Eric (or me) what mambots are?
